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Sta-Dri dehumidification bags provide an endless source of uses and industrial applications. A manufacturer of a powdered sweetener was looking for a solution to their moisture problems. In the heat of the summer, moisture was getting in their drums of powder causing the product to harden. Beach supplied the customer with two barrels of the Sta-Dri SD-64s (30 each barrel) and two cases of the SD-16s (12 per case).
Many of your customers need to keep their products dry and moisture free, whether in storage or in transit. Beach has supplied thousands of Sta-Dri pouches for industrial customers to protect their products from moisture, mildew, rust, and corrosion.
Sta-Dri pouches significantly reduce humidity and moisture safely and conveniently, without the use of costly dehumidifiers. Sta-Dri remains dry to the touch – even when totally saturated.