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Compressed Air Filters
Oil Filtration
Moisture Control
What is your operating pressure?
No Pressure Specified
Up to 150 psi
Up to 250 psi
What is your operating flow rate (scfm) between?
No Flow Rate Specified
0scfm to 5scfm
5scfm to 15scfm
15scfm to 20scfm
20scfm to 40scfm
40scfm to 60scfm
60scfm to 100scfm
100scfm to 200scfm
200scfm to 400scfm
400scfm to 1200scfm
What is your inlet/outlet nominal pipe size?
No Pipe Size Specified
What is your breather category?
Select Breather Category
General Use, Storage Drums
Gear Boxes, low flow
Bulk Storage, high flow applications
Wind Turbines, Large Gearboxes
Non-Desiccant Breathers
How many gallons in the storage tank?
None Specified
0 to 20 gallons
20 to 50 gallons
50 to 100 gallons
100 to 200 gallons
200 to 400 gallons
400 to 800 gallons
800 to 1000 gallons
Maximum Air Flow (cfm)
None Specified
0 to 5 cfm
5 to 10 cfm
10 to 15 cfm
15 to 20 cfm
20 to 25 cfm
25 to 30 cfm
How many gallons in the storage tank?
None Specified
0 to 20 gallons
20 to 50 gallons
50 to 100 gallons
100 to 200 gallons
200 to 400 gallons
400 to 500 gallons
How many gallons per minute?
None Specified
0 to 5 gpm
5 to 10 gpm
10 to 15 gpm
15 to 20 gpm
How many gallons in the storage tank?
None Specified
0 to 1000 gallons
1000 to 2000 gallons
2000 to 4000 gallons
4000 to 8000 gallons
8000 to 16000 gallons
16000 to 32000 gallons
32000 to 64000 gallons
64000 to 75000 gallons
Maximum Air Flow (cfm)
None Specified
0 to 80 cfm
80 to 120 cfm
120 to 180 cfm
180 to 240 cfm
240 to 270 cfm
How many gallons in the storage tank?
None Specified
0 to 15 gallons
15 to 500 gallons
Gallons per minute (gpm)
None Specified
0 to 5 gpm
5 to 300 gpm
How many gallons in the storage tank?
None Specified
0 to 400 gallons
400 to 600 gallons
600 to 800 gallons
800 to 1000 gallons
How many gallons per minute?
None Specified
0 to 180 gpm
180 to 185 gpm
185 to 190 gpm
190 to 195 gpm
195 to 200 gpm
How many cubic feet of area to dry?
None Specified
0 to 4 cubic feet
4 to 10 cubic feet
10 to 20 cubic feet
20 to 40 cubic feet
40 to 53 cubic feet
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©Copyright 2015 Beach Filter Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
Container Dri® II is a trademark of Clariant and used with permission. MoistureBloc™, AquaGuard® and Cylform® are registered trademarks of Beach Filters.