Case Studies
Beach Filter Solves Spicy Problem (Food Service)
Beach Filter Solves Spicy Problem (Food Service)
Hayden Olds is a sales engineer for Olds Filtration Engineering in Daphne, Alabama. He had a customer with an expensive problem. the A.C. Legg Co. of Calera, Alabama produces a wide variety of blended spices that are sold under the label of “Old Plantation Seasons.” They were experiencing problems with premature cartridge failure in their “Dust Hog” pulse-jet, cartridge-style dust collector. Under normal conditions, the 32 cartridges that are utilized should have a long extended life due to the back-pulse cleaning action that discharges dust from the cartridges. (Back-pulsing is achieved through short blasts of compressed air on timed intervals.) However, the compressed air supply had become contaminated with moisture and oil vapor, thus weakening the cartridge media and causing “blow-outs.” Even minute amounts of moisture will cause the dust to cake so hard that the pulse cleaning will not work, and the filters become so caked that air flow is significantly reduced.
Olds, along with Dudley Powell of the Donley Group who serves as their site representative, installed a Beach Model F-T40C filter with a mini-automatic drain valve.
The Beach Filter removes all residual moisture from the compressed air so the moisture is not introduced when pulse-cleaning the cartridges.
This solution immediately solved the problem of premature cartridge failure and down-time. As a result of this success, Olds was also able to provide A.C. Legg Co. with protection for their filling/sealing equipment which operates on the same compressed air system!