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Filter Elements

Cylform® desiccant elements in all Beach compressed air filters are patented and trademarked. The seamless tubular woven filament polyester is heat set and sewn to rigid specifications. Aside from the desiccant they include a particulate disc which filters the air stream to .3 micron. Cylform® elements are included in every Beach filter housing and replacements are sold in polyethylene sealed packages of 2.

Filter Elements


Beach Filters offers a variety of desiccants to meet most every application.

Standard Clay Desiccant
Standard Clay Desiccant will solve most filtration problems such as moisture and hydrocarbons. It filters these elements simultaneously.

Silica Gel
Silica Gel is effective in dew point reduction and moisture control but is degraded in the presence of hydrocarbons. Used with a refrigerated dryer, the silica gel element can reduce dew point from 0 to -40 degrees C.
For our dual element housing, a clay element followed by a silica gel element gets excellent results across the spectrum. The clay will protect the silica gel from hydrocarbons.

Activated Carbon
Activated Carbon is specified for removing odors and oil vapors from the gas stream.

Special Desiccants
Beach filters will make custom filter elements with any available desiccant.

Element Life - When to Change Elements

Element life varies widely depending on application.

Change elements when color changes from white to a grayish brown/dark gray on Clearview and Sight-glass models or a pressure drop of 1.5x to 2.0x of normal.

Beach recommends element change on a 3 month cycle to insure good performance.

Element Part NumberEL40EL20EL125EL125EL65EL125EL300EL600EL1200
Filter ModelF-40C F-T20C F-T40C F-T60C F-65C/AL/AW F-125C/AL/AW F-300C/AL/AW F-600C/AL/AWF-1200AW
Number of Elements Required111222223
Element Part NumberEL65
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/in-line-filters/ , F-65C/AL/AW
Number of Elements Required2
Element Part NumberEL600
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/in-line-filters/ , F-600C/AL/AW
Number of Elements Required2
Element Part NumberEL40
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/specialty-filters/,F-40C
Number of Elements Required1
Element Part NumberEL300
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/in-line-filters/ , F-300C/AL/AW
Number of Elements Required2
Element Part NumberEL20
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/t-line-filters/ , F-T20C
Number of Elements Required1
Element Part NumberEL125
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/t-line-filters/ , F-T40C
Number of Elements Required1
Element Part NumberEL125
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/t-line-filters/ , F-T60C
Number of Elements Required2
Element Part NumberEL125
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/in-line-filters/ , F-125C/AL/AW
Number of Elements Required2
Element Part NumberEL1200
Filter Model/product-details/compressed-air-filters/in-line-filters/ ,F-1200AW
Number of Elements Required3